Meeting of the consortium members in Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy
- The members of the consortium were invited by the project coordinator to an in-person 2 days meeting in Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy. A Teams online session was also organized for members who could not attend in person. During the meeting, the different progress of each work package (WP) was discussed thoroughly between the different partners.
- • WP1 - WP1 HCPCF: Design, Supply, and Post-processing was presented by Fetah Benabid (UNILIM) (interventions: UNIMORE and ALPhANOV)
• WP2 - Cold Atoms And HCPCF: was presented by Marco Prevedelli (UNIBO) (interventions: WIGNER)
• WP3 - Emergent physics in HCPCF: was presented by Andrea Bertoldi (IOTA) (interventions: UIBK)
• WP4 - Management: was presented by Lorenzo Mannella, Flavia Zanon and Francesco Minardo (UNIBO)
• WP5 - Dissemination and Exploitation: was presented by Maria Milla-Rodrigo (ALPhANOV) (interventions: GLO)
The deliverables of the project were also discussed and planned as well as the annual report of the project.